Sunday, January 2, 2011

Homemade Centerpieces

Our wedding will have a bike theme to it, more specifically a tandem theme. I am hoping to create centerpieces from bike parts. I am sure that they will not look the same because I have no idea what parts I can get my hands on. I'm also going to make little tea light candle holders with a bike chain. Here is an example of one I have found:

I plan on spray painting the chains different colors (orange, red, olive green, yellow, brown) to match the fall season. Wish me luck! Time to start collecting!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Irish Wedding Folklore

I really want to incorporate my Irish side in the wedding, and may have a friend read an Irish blessing at the ceremony - especially since I will no longer be a Gallagher. However, some of these traditions are a bit out there. I thought it would be fun to share this with you!

This has been taking from:

"Folklore has been defined as the practice of people to verbally convey the traditional beliefs commonly held so that they may pass from one generation to another. Irish folklore portrays the rich culture and traditions of Ireland and continues to be handed on through oral interpretations. The following portents and omens derive from folklore.

The couple that marries during the harvest time will spend their entire lives together gathering.

A male must be the first to wish joy and happiness to a bride on her wedding day.

After the ceremony, the wedding party must take the longest route home from the Church. In addition, this route cannot be the same one that was taken on the way to the Church.

After the marriage ceremony, if the bridegroom's mother breaks a piece of wedding cake over the head of the bride as she enters her new home, they will always be close friends.

The couple should have a tiered wedding cake. The top tier is supposed to be an Irish whiskey cake. Instead of eating the cake at the wedding, the couple must save it to be eaten at the christening of their first-born.

Giving the bride and groom a bell for a gift helps to ensure a harmonious life together.

A wedding coin given to the bride from the groom after rings are exchanged secures a life of prosperity.

A special handkerchief, carried by the bride on her wedding day, is later used to wipe her first-born's brow at the baptism. Kept in a safe place, the hanky will be used again on that child's wedding day.

The bride and groom each consume three mouthfuls of a salt and oatmeal combination at the start of the wedding reception to ward off evil spirits.

A groom may give his bride a bracelet woven of human hair. As she wears this gift, she is joined to her groom forever.

For a life of happiness and contentment, a bride and groom may not wash hands together at the same sink.

A very special ring is the Claddagh wedding ring. Beautiful in design and rich in tradition, it's motto is "Let love and friendship reign." The ring contains a heart that is held by two hands. The heart is topped with a crown. The two hands symbolize faith, the crown represents honor and the heart signifies love. Before a woman is married or engaged, the ring is worn on her right hand with the heart facing away from her, signifying that she is single. An engaged woman wears the ring on her right hand, as well, but with the heart facing inward. A bride wears her Claddagh ring on her left hand to show she is married."

Hmmm.....eating salt and oatmeal, and wearing a human hair bracelet? Unique touch, but I don't think so!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bouquets and Boutonnieres

I started this blog to help me keep the creative juices flowing as well as inspire others to comment or share their ideas or experiences.

This specific post is dedicated to the bouquets and boutonnieres. Flowers are extremely expensive, and although beautiful - always die! Jesse has never gotten me flowers during out entire time dating, for the very same reasons. Since flowers are not symbolic in our relationship, I thought that I would attempt to create something meaningful that will last.

My idea is to make paper flowers out of maps of places that we have traveled together: Mexico, Belize, Scotland, and Chile. Traveling is one of our passions, and it would be great to incorporate it in some way. I would also love to include a map of San Luis Obispo where we met, fell in love, and where he proposed.

I think the first thing I have to do is watch "How to" videos and purchase an instructional book as well as practice before I order the maps.

I may also have to invite friends over to help with the flower making process as we will have to make A LOT! But, hey, I do make a mean margarita!

Wish me luck!